It's not good or bad.
It's not right or wrong.
It's not yes or no.
It's not agree or disagree.
It's not religious or atheist.
It's not happy or sad.
It's not this or that.
Things in life are never binary, they are multi dimensional, multi layered and on a sliding scale.
And it's not permanent, it's ever changing.
So, stop trying to put things in buckets.
Accept that there is some context behind everything, some nuance to things and if you are curious, there is always something you can learn that will help you understand yourself, others and the universe better everyday.
Things are complex. I say things to refer to people, institutions, ideas, feelings, motivations, etc. Our brain likes to simplify things and put them in buckets, it reduces the cognitive load on our mind. But the truth is, everything has nuance, a context and many dimensions and it ranges. If I take myself as an example, to describe myself, I can talk about where I'm from, the many roles I play, roles I've played in the past, my interests, etc. I'm from India, lived in the US, I'm a father, son, partner, brother, cousin, immigrant, engineer, designer, etc, I like food (prefer south asian of course), music, travelling, design, trying out new technolgies and so many more characteristics that I can continue exploring forever and a lot that I'm not aware of myself. And the amout of time and energy I put in to playing those roles or pursuing those interests have changed over the years and will continue to change in the future. Similarly, my motivations are complex, there are things that I do for myself, for my fears, for my happiness, for my inner child. There are things I do for my family and friends, there are things I do because I feel it is the right thing to do or things I don't do because I feel they do not agree with my value system. There are things I do to make up for my mistakes or things I do because I see risks in the future. And the things I do cannot be attributed to just one of these reasons, they are usually for multiple reasons weighted differently. The same train of thought applies to institutions, comunities, governments media, economic policy, etc. There is never one reason or one cause for an effect. There is a continuous stream of causes and effects and trying to make sense by looking at partial snapshots is not going to give you the full picture or understand the full movie.
I'll end with one more example. Whenever I read a book, I wonder about the journey to make this book a reality, starting with why did the author write this book, why did the publisher choose to publish this book, what were the discussions like: to balance the ideas and content that the author came up with and the profitability of this investment that the publishing company needs to make. What about the marketing plan to sell this book, all the people involved like editors, legal, advertising companies, cover artists, etc that need to get paid, the folks who run the printing presses and everything in between. How is the incentive structure setup for the author and all the stakeholders in this process and how that influences the content in the book. What parts of the book are true to the original vision of the author and what parts are about ensuring the profitability of this venture by appealing to a certain segment of the market or serve the agenda of the many stakeholders in the venture. It's not that there is anything wrong with any of those things, but we always see the book as a single narrative, but in reality, it is a collection of narratives, maybe anchored on a central idea, but there are multiple dimensions that influence and morph that central idea.
In conclusion, multiple things can be true at the same time to varying degrees and they change over time. The economy is not just about increasing GDP or per capita income, there is also improvements to lifestyle, health, culture, risk management, raising the next generation of citizens with good education, values and providing for their security. Religion is not just about praying and spreading the faith, it's also about community, morality, history, guidance about physical and mental health, philosophy about life and death. Everything (including you) is complex like a universe, full of stars, galaxies, nebulae and black holes and it's constantly changing and evolving.