

Random thoughts. In the style of The Bed of Procrustes and Poor Richard's Almanack. All copied/derivative work, any allusion to original thought is a misinterpretation.


It is hard to learn about and explore the entire diaspora of life and the universe in a lifetime. It's a good place to start by accepting that, making peace with it, explore the parts that resonate with you and be ok with leaving out the ones that don't


Cities are basically forests, gentrified of all the wild animals. But then, what truly defines a 'wild' animal?


Collectives survive because they are antifragile. Their antifragility increases with the experiments and failures/successes of their members. So, build or invest in platforms


Reverse the variables in your if..then statements. Sometimes, the effect is the reason for the cause


Technology is the herald for the death of the hero, and the ecosystem of hero, villian and victim


Courage to seek/offer help is one of the most useful skills one can practice and learn


It should not be figure out your passion, it should be figure out your obsession. Then figure out how to productize it, manage it and stay balanced in life


Customers don't use a product, they use an ecossytem of products. So, figure out if you are building a product in the ecosystem, the glue for the products in the ecosystem or the platform for the ecosystem itself


You can do 80% of the work in 20% of the time and the remaining 20% takes 80% of the time. But you also need to realize that the initial 80% of the work only provides 20% of the value to your customers. The remaining 20% work is what unlocks 80% of the value


Innovation happens through cut-copy-paste. That is nature's way and no reason why it cannot work in your life and organization. Build the right abstractions, so it's easier to evolve your life and the products your build


Technology and Engineering is about making magic and dreams a reality


Evangelism seems to be an emergent behavior in most faith based systems, where, after a point, to strengthen and sustain the faith, you need to convince others to adopt your system, lest some other faith will take over. This does not just apply to religions, it's for all institutions, political, social, economic systems or companies. The mind baselines pretty quickly and in order to continue to rationalize the faith in our values and belief systems, it needs continuous validation and the most effective way to grow the faith is by growing it's adoption and the best way to get results is by doing it collectively. This is a big source of conflict. Faith is something that's personal, has a lot of personal context and history associated with it. While trade and collective action is essential for this world to progress, accepting each other's faith and letting people have the choice to opt into other faiths on their own timelines is a good way to minimize conflict


The biggest contribution of any startup/company/agency is to increase the volume/rate of money movement in the economy. That increases tax revenue which in turn improves the life of the citizens of the company, state, nation, world. It is also a good evaluation criteria to predict the success of a company/agency.


Fear, punishment will get you results in the short term, but they will not last. Love, respect and patience will get you results in the long term and they will be more permanenet. So evaluate what your level of urgency and timelines and goals are and use the appropriate tool. Hint, the answer almost all the time is the latter, except in the very rare cases where it is an emergency.


Your physical health is determined by where you are born and what you eat. Upur mental health is determined by who you move with, how you move and interact with the world


You have two homes, the primary one is your body and the secondary one is the physical shelter you live in. You should spend more time and money taking care of and decorating your primary home


When listening to someone, remove yourself from the conversation to truly listen. Removing yourself means removing the influence of your current state of mind, your past experience, your insecurities, etc. This is a practice, that gets better, the more you do it


Memes, symbols, even truth is governed by the concepts of survival. If there is something new that improves the odds of survival, it becomes the new meme or truth or belief. If something reduces the odds of survival, even if it is the truth, it is going to be denied and eliminated from the consciousness


Radiate/seek out/hire for optimism and curiosity. Skills benefit in the short term, culture for the long term


We have evolved System 1 for low energy, fast reactions for survival, a System 2 for high energy, slow reactions for high level thinking and self awareness/diagnostics. We also evolved a God in communities to create and sustain the will to survive. The concept exists in every civilization that has ever survived on this planet, so it definitely serves a critical purpose. God is the primordial will to life


Fungibility builds resilience in the system. But applied to humans, it can lead to a feeling of purposelessness. So, we need to be deliberate about making sure everyone feels a sense of purpose in an organization. It can be inside the organization or time to have it outside the organization, ideally both. In our personal lives, we have friends, children, communities we are part of, pets, etc. In professional lives, it is the relationships with the people you work with and how the culture of the company helps foster and nurture them.


Do not look at decisions in life as binary. It's not do you want it or not or is this going to be helpful or not. They are multiple choice, do you want this or one of these other things or is doing this going to be helpful or one of these other things? And the decision depends on the context of the situation, what is the time horizon to evaulate the decision, are you maximizing ROI or minimizing opportunity cost, regret? Taking these into account will help you make better decisions.


Money is fungible, but life is not (at least human life should not be? 🤷‍♂️)


Within a collective/organization, the primary game that's being played is the game of leverage. The one who gets the most wins


Instead of mocking others, reflect on your insecurities and disappointments, it will provide long term relief


Some people take more credit for their success and less responsibilty for their failure than they deserve, while some people take less credit for their success and more responsibility for their failures. You want to work for the latter type of people, they will have low expectations from others, be happier and continuously improve themselves


Losing something hurts twice as much as the happiness gained from getting the same thing


Companies who do right by their customers and shareholders are the ones who win. So, clearly identify who they are and do what's best for them


Practice who you want to become. Change does not happen all of a sudden. It happens imperceptibly slow, but it's compounding


You are the average of the people you spend the most time with, weighted by the time spent. Average pysically, financially, emotionally, philosophically and many other characteristics of life. Look around and you can see your future. If you don't like it, change your circle


What makes your art better than my art. Depends on how you evaluate it. If you think in some democratic way, then the one that most people like is better. If you think the one that fetches the higest price, then that is the metric. If you think all art is equal, then it is equal. If you think art cannot be compared, then it's just different then. Ultimately, it is you and I who decides whose art is better. By art, of course, I mean life


Technology creates the tools to survive. Art creates the will to survive. The people in the harshest places to survive on the planet make the most stunning tecnnology and art


It's not the plane, it's the pilot


The Don't give up motto should have Keep trying added to it


Ice cream is probably the greatest food ever created, followed closely by biryani


We only learn about the people who profit from making themselves known or someone profits from making them known


Being at harmony with yourself is all well and good, but being at harmony/in sync with the world is where true happiness lies. Because no (hu)man is an island. The world will not go away if you pretend it does not exist. So, might as well open yourself up. It will hurt, you will hurt sometimes, but you will eventually find your place and find your harmony


Don't use death as a leverage to survive


Listen to advice, but don't blindly follow it. Evaluate them and do what works for you


The world is not your oyster forever. At some point, you have to become the oyster to nourish the pearl of the next generation


Thinking about how to save more is a losing battle. Saving is important, but spend more time thinking about how to earn more


Effort is appreciated, results are rewarded


Life is not a race or a marathon, it's a relay. You have to work with others, take rest between turns and eventually pass the baton onto the next generation


A justice for all movement, eventually becomes injustice for all, because the universe has no concept of justice or moral values


No booleans, only enums


The universe does not have FOMO


There is no destination, only milestones. So, what's your next milestone.


Writing books, creating art, building statues, scratching your name on trees and rocks is all the same need for life to seek out immortality in some form


All city lifestyles around the world trend 95% the same with some local culture uniqueness in food, architecture, etc. They all have the same tall buildings, transport infrastructure, international cuisines, party culture and law and order. The biggest difference is the climate.


Every time you talk about an emotion, you should start the sentence with I feel, so you don't project your emotions and opinions on others


Once a product category is mature, most people buy brands, not product features


Why not both


Everyone should try to have multiple careers, even if some are part time. Because similar to what they say about our creations, we initially shape our careers, then our careers shape our lives.


At some point, the rebels will form the new empire and the cycle starts again. Because it is seemingly impossible to satisfy the needs of 100% of the people 100% of the time


Instead of saying no, say yes if/when this happens. It puts the control and responsibility back in the hands of the requester


Try to not ask binary questions, instead ask multiple choice questions and let folks prioritize the order of choices, based on what is important to them


The number of transactions should also be a metric that's tracked as an indicator of a healthy economy, especially the median transactions by individuals and institutions. High rate of transactions indicate collaboration, will foster innovation and better communities and generate increasing revenue for governments to provide better services and infrastructure to it's citizens. It will also help identify individuals and institutions that are struggling and get them help


Who am I depends on who are you


There is a counterparty for everything. Good and bad. Buyer and seller. Hero and villian. Empire and rebels. Existence of one, automatically manifests the other and an ecosystem around them


Give actual proof, not social proof


People don't remember what you said or what you did for them, but they will remember how you made them feel


If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together


People don't buy the art, they buy the artist


It is not just about celebrating and rewarding past work, it is about incentivizing future work too


Every generation should re-discover and re-frame all the rules, so they really understand them, why they are the way they are, so they can identify what makes sense to keep and what needs to be changed.


Taxation is the best business model


I like what I like - one of the most simple and profound things my 6 year old said. It is true, there are no rules on what/who to like or not like. Accept yourself and accept others


Philosophy is the label given to one's justification of their way of life and rationalization of their belief system. And also to burn their opponents


If you want to make money, build factories, not products


Location. Location. Location


The default state is decay and death. It takes a lot of effort to preserve or make something, a lot of failures to make something great


Markets deal with facts. Governments deal with feelings. And families have to balance facts and feelings


Start with user experience and end with power management and you will always win. But remember, safety first!


Change your circles, burst your bubbles


We all want to build a beautiful world for our children, family, friends and future generations. If you appeal to that part of a person, you can connect with anyone


We should all have a fiduciary duty towards the shareholders of the future, the children of the world


Building the game is the best way to discover the rules of the game


Every accusation is partly a confession


Don't just give advice, exemplify what you preach


Be inspired by your heroes and take it to the next level, don't just worship them and stop


Read, don't review. Listen, don't judge. Understand, don't critique


You always give the advice that you wish you could follow yourself


I'm not rich or powerful or old enough to broadcast unfiltered thoughts out in the open


It's not what you say that's offensive, it's how you say it